Your way to Brüggen situated in the North Rhine and Maas area may be the most important information you will need. Just take a look at the road map down below or get your own PDF-file copy of it right here. The more detailed village centre view leads you straight to the castle where the 4th European Harmonium Festival takes place.
If you prefer travelling by train and bus choose the RE 13 service (Maas-Wupper-Express from Venlo to Hamm in Westfalia) and get off the train at Kaldenkirchen or Dülken. You will reach the central bus stop "Markt" in Brüggen taking the bus route 074 within about 20 minutes starting at Kaldenkirchen Bahnhofstraße or within about 45 minutes departing at Dülken Albertstraße (near to Dülken train station). From July 2021 on there will be an additional Express Bus Service from Boisheim train station that brings you straight to Brüggen once an hour in about 13 minutes (SB 84).
Charming country hotels, holiday flats, bed & breakfast facilities and a youth hostel invite you to stay if you are planning to enjoy the whole festival. To get useful help in finding any kind of appropriate accomodation you will be well received at

Tourist-Information Brüggen
Burgwall 4
D-41379 Brüggen

which you may contact by phone
+49 (0) 2163.57014711 or email.
Camper-vans will find a calm parking space near a well-known supermarket on Borner Straße which connects the B221 ring road with the village centre (to be found on the small map near the arrow that points to the A61 motorway).